For more information regarding the bulk sending API click here.
A code example for sending SMS via a Delphi Pascal language, thanks to Graham Murt for the example code.
{******************************************************************************* * * * TextMarketer Delphi/Pascal Interface * * * ******************************************************************************** { example use: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SendTextMarketerSms(username, password, sender, recipient, message); end; } unit untTextMarketer; interface uses Classes, IdHttp; const C_HTTP_URL = ''; type TTextMarketerSMS = class private FHttp: TIdHttp; FPassword: string; FUsername: string; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function SendSms(AOriginator, ANumber, AMessage: string; AXmlResponse: Boolean): string; property Username: string read FUsername write FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword; end; function SendTextMarketerSms(AUsername, APassword, ASender, ANumber, AMessage: string): string; implementation uses SysUtils; function SendTextMarketerSms(AUsername, APassword, ASender, ANumber, AMessage: string): string; var ASms: TTextMarketerSMS; begin ASms := TTextMarketerSMS.Create; try ASms.Username := AUsername; ASms.Password := APassword; Result := ASms.SendSms(ASender, ANumber, AMessage, True); finally ASms.Free; end; end; { TTextMarketerSMS } function UrlEncode(const DecodedStr: String): String; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; if Length(DecodedStr) > 0 then for I := 1 to Length(DecodedStr) do begin if not (DecodedStr[I] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', ' ']) then if DecodedStr[I] = '£' then Result := Result + '%C2%A3' else Result := Result + '%' + IntToHex(Ord(DecodedStr[I]), 2) else if not (DecodedStr[I] = ' ') then Result := Result + DecodedStr[I] else begin Result := Result + '%20' end; end; end; constructor TTextMarketerSMS.Create; begin inherited; FHttp := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); end; destructor TTextMarketerSMS.Destroy; begin FHttp.Free; inherited; end; function TTextMarketerSMS.SendSms(AOriginator, ANumber, AMessage: string; AXmlResponse: Boolean): string; var AResult: Boolean; AParams: AnsiString; AResponse: TStringList; begin AResponse := TStringList.Create; try AParams := ''; AParams := AParams + ('?username='+FUsername); AParams := AParams + ('&password='+FPassword); AParams := AParams + ('&number='+ANumber); AParams := AParams + ('&orig='+UrlEncode(AOriginator)); AParams := AParams + ('&message='+UrlEncode(AMessage)); if AXmlResponse then AParams := AParams + ('&option=xml'); try Result := FHttp.Post(C_HTTP_URL+AParams, AResponse); except Result := ''; end; finally AResponse.Free; end; end; end.