Business SMS

skebby sms

Case Study: SMS proves to be an instant success – in large numbers!

There are few things we love more than SMS, but one of those things might be Christmas, so when we heard about a fantastic client signing up called Santa Letter Direct – we were ecstatic! Santa Letter Direct allows you to…

5 reasons you should schedule your sends

Life is busy. Work is busy. And things always have a habit of cropping up at the last minute and disturbing you and your plans. Well with our schedule send tool, these fears and worries are eliminated, allowing you to plan,…

Adapt or become irrelevant and lose to your competition

Life is full of challenges, and so is business. But it is how we adapt and respond to these challenges that determines how we continue, and if we are to succeed or fail. However sometimes we don’t even need to be…

Getting the most out of the January sales

Sure, Black Friday was only a couple of weeks ago, and Christmas was yesterday, right? Wow, how time does fly! Well, we hope your marketing plans for both events went well and sales were through the roof. But now we must…

Get festive with 15% free SMS in our Winter Sale

Wow… now that is what we call a huge November! The Black Friday sale bonanza went crazy – huge sales, massive amounts of purchases and lots of messages sent! Lots of you have emailing and ringing into say how well your…

Cyber Monday's sensational statistics

Now most people know about Black Friday, maybe not how it originated, but they have more than likely heard of it. And more often than not, definitely made a purchase on the day – it’s a retailers dream. However, there is…

Black Friday… The biggest weekend for UK retailers – FACT

There are certain events and occasions that get lots of hype and coverage, however some never quite fit the bill and deliver what was expected, and end up being a bit of a disappointment… If you are an England football fan,…

Introducing… Bespoke tailor-made mobile journeys!

We are very proud and excited to be able to introduce to you our brand spanking new product… Mobile journeys.As we all know the smartphone is a wonderful device, with so many different functions on it, it’s easy to lose yourself…

There is nothing spooky about the UK’s Halloween spending

Halloween interest has been growing in the UK for some time now, and what started out as an American celebration has certainly made it’s way over the pond to us Brits. Now, granted we might not celebrate it as much as…