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5 Top Tips to increase sales with SMS Text Message Marketing

5 Top Tips to increase sales with SMS Text Message Marketing

Save Cost and Time – A Hidden Benefit of Business SMS

The company operates a large, non franchised car dealership, servicing and selling cars. When a car is serviced they used to pick up the phone to let the customer know that their vehicle was ready for collection. In both the service…

How can you benefit from our free SMS keyword and shortcode text response system?

Ever seen a TV Ad’ that says, “Text BROCHURE to 69888 for more details”? Why do they do this instead of just having a phone number for people to call? Simple really, study after study has shown that you if you…

PHP 5 Delivery Report Helper Class for our SMS Gateway

Class Name: ProcessDeliveryReport This class enables you to access your delivery reports in a nice simplified way. You can search for the outcome of a message for a given number, specify the outcome and the number, download all the data for the…

PHP 5 SMS Send Class implementing listeners on our SMS Gateway

Class Name: SendSMSNotifier This class is designed around the FREE Text Marketer SMS API, you need to sign up here to use it. SendSMSNotifier is a singleton class design, incorporating listeners. Your class must include the following public functions: creditAlert($credits_remaining) and…

New Settings Page For Short Codes

If you have a keyword with us on our 88802 number you can now set the auto response, API and trigger e-mail settings your self . The new option is under the “Text Response”  top level menu, then just select “Change…

Using the SMS Gateway API, Automating Delivery Report Collection

This blog post has been superseded with our website documentation Introduction If you are using the API / Gateway to send bulk SMS you can collect your delivery reports from the server, which is a good way of removing bad numbers from your data.…

SMS Marketing 101 – Database Segmentation

Competition for attention in todays SMS marketing world is increasing all the time. To increase the relevancy, deliver more value in Bulk SMS camaigns AND to deliver more sales – now is the perfect time to do some database segmentation. By…

Text Marketer short code / txtUs API options

Introduction The keyword on your system (on short code 88802) or your txtUs number can be used to “route” incoming texts to your account and optionally respond with a message “thanks for entering our competition” etc, (this form of communication is…